Friday, June 28, 2013

Everyday Yumminess: Carnitas Hash with Eggs

This is one of those meals where I started with a recipe... but then failed to follow any part of that recipe and still ended up with something super-yummy.  In the end, I suppose the recipe just stuck an idea in my head: "Carnitas Hash is probably delicious."  A few weeks later, when I had some carnitas vacuum-sealed in the freezer and found myself with extra Yukon Gold potatoes, it seemed like the best possible way to remedy those two situations...
I made this batch of carnitas sous vide (shocking, I know) rather than following the recipe I posted a while back, but you could use any leftover carnitas that you had lying around...  Since the pork part was already done, it was just a matter of potatoes...  I cooked up a large sweet onion in butter until very tender, then tossed with raw diced potatoes and seasoned with cayenne and a little salt...  (If my carnitas were less highly seasoned I may have seasoned the potatoes more aggressively, so your mileage may vary on this step...)
This mixture went onto a Silpat and into a moderate (375°F-ish) oven until the potatoes were tender and starting to brown...
Meanwhile, I placed my carnitas in a moderately hot skillet to start crisping them up.  When the potatoes come out of the oven, they get tossed into the skillet with the pork...
Everything is then tossed until combined and yummy...  I actually did this part a day ahead, then separated the mixture into single-serving oven-safe dishes. (The batch up there serves 6 generously...)  For the egg portion of things, I used some 63°C, 60-minute eggs, because I love the custardy yolk that results...
It turns out you can do the eggs ahead, too, and store in the fridge.  When your hash is mostly warmed through in the toaster oven, you can crack the eggs over the top and continue to cook in the toaster oven until the eggs are just warmed through... So easy, so very delicious...  I served this up with flour tortillas, pico de gallo, avocado, and a drizzle of Sriracha, and was a very happy camper...
This is a great dish to make for guests if you want to trick them into thinking you worked super-hard preparing them breakfast... or just for yourself if you want a prep-ahead weekend brunch...  I will definitely be making it again...

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